Very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line (VDSL) and Very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line 2 (VDSL2) are digital subscriber line (DSL) technologies providing data transmission faster than asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL).Designed to support the wide deployment of triple play services such as voice, video, data and high-definition television (HDTV) VDSL2 is intended to enable operators and carriers to gradually, flexibly, and cost-efficiently upgrade existing xDSL infrastructure. is a digital subscriber line (DSL) protocol standard for local loops shorter than 500 m, with performance targeted upto 1 Gbit/s, depending on loop length.The name is an acronym for fast access to subscriber terminals;the letter G stands for the ITU-T G series of recommendations.
Let us understand main difference between VDSL and
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