Difference Between Virtual Router and Logical System in Juniper

Rashmi Bhardwaj | Blog,BUZZ,Cloud & Virtualization,Protocol,Routing & Switching

Virtual Router and Logical System in Juniper

What is a Virtual Router?

Virtual router routing instances enable us to isolate traffic without using multiple devices to segment your network.
Each virtual router routing instance consists of sets of –
•Routing tables
•Interfaces that belong to these routing tables
•Routing protocol configurations
•Routing option configurations

What is a Logical system?

(formerly called Logical Router)

Logical system is one step above Virtual Router and VRF concept of working. Logical systems work like full-fledged Routers i.e. their own Routing instances, own management independent of other other logical systems in same Router chassis. The benefit one gets is that in case one process in the Logical system or crash of daemon happens, it does not impact the process in other Logical systems.


Furthermore, with Logical system, one can allocate the quota of CPU cycles to be used for each LR. This type of in depth resource segmentation is not available with Virtual Router.

Note – Logical System was formerly called Logical Router until release 9.3 . Post release 9.3 it as called Logical System instead of Logical Router.

Virtual Router vs Logical System in Juniper

Difference Between Virtual Router and Logical System in Juniper comparison table

Download the comparison table: Virtual Router vs Logical System

Continue Reading:

Juniper Virtual Router vs VRF

Enable/Disable Interface in Juniper


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