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- Which command is implemented in bash as Internal Command?
- What is the use of pwd command?
- You enter exec gedit in the xterm window launched from window manager. What will turn out on your exit from gedit program?
- Which method will surely lead to running a program whose location is in current working directory?
- How information is displayed by man on most systems of Linux by default?
- What will be the effect of following command?$ myprog &> input.txt
- How to remove the error messages printed by a program of text mode to standard error while still remaining in interaction with the program?
- Explain cpio utility and its operating modes.
- What is the difference between >> and > redirection operators?
- The configuration file’s end is displayed using which program?
- What effect does the following command brings?$ pr report.txt | lpr
- Which command could be used for numbering lines in aleph.txt?
- Which command could be used for changing all dog occurrences in animals.txt file to mutt in display of screen?
- Which command could be used for printing lines from world.txt file that has matches to “changed” and “changes”?
- Which regular expression could be used for matching strings dug, dog with several others excluding dig?
- Which advantage is offered over binary package by source package?
- What is the impact of following command typed on Linux based on RPM by an administrator?# rpm -ivh megaprog.rpm
- Which command could be used for extracting content of file myfonts.rpm in current directory?
- Which command could be used for removing the program named package using dpkg including the files of configuration?
- The difference between dpkg and apt-get could be described by which statement/command?
- Which command can provide list of all packages installed on Debian system?
- What is effect of command apt-get typed on Debian system as root?
- Which command would help to update program of unzip to latest version on Fedora system?
- How a system using Yum for accessing additional repository of Yum software should be configured?
- Which is the method that is preferred the most for adding directory for all users to path of library?
- How to substitute Qt libraries by GTK+ libraries if you do not want the look of Qt widgets but GTK+ widgets?
- What intent is probable when kill -9 11287 is typed by the user at bash prompt when it is assumed that he has entered correct command?
- Which program can help to learn the load average of system?
- A processes display could be created by which command to show relationship of parent-child using links between names?
- What is the conclusion if it is found that process named dfcomp is consuming over 90% of the CPU time of system?
- What you can conclude if a new command prompt is received without any intervening output by typing jobs at the prompt of bash command?
- What is the restriction on abilities of ordinary user for running renice?
- For RS-232 serial ports, what common IRQ is there?
- Which tool could help in disabling the sound hardware of motherboard?
- What is udev’s purpose?
- Which device identifier is used for refereeing disk if Linux is just installed on new computer having single SATA hard disk?
- The essential information of system liked channels of direct memory access, IRQs and I/O addresses are contained in which files?
- Which is the information piece that could not be reported by df?
- What could be accomplished using following command?# mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sda4
- What is the mount point that could be linked with partitions of swap?
- What could be used with fsck for forcing it to use some specific type of filesystem?
- A four partitions list: /dev/sda2, /dev/sda1, /dev/sda6 and /dev/sda5 is produced when fdisk -l /dev/sda is typed on Linux computer having MBR disk then what does this mean?
- Which statement can best describe the configuration crated by Linux administrator with separate /etc partitions and /home, /usr/local along with root (/) partition?
- Which directory is most likely placed on the partition of own hard disk?
- What could be said about the disk that has partitions with type codes 0x82, 0x0fa and 0x83 assuming these to be correct?
- What could be done for correcting the problem of working on wrong disk for modifying partition layout?
- Which environment variable is used to store path to the prior current directory?
- What are the entities to which Linux assigns permissions? What are those values?
- What is the UID for root user?
- Is there a mechanism to execute a command by its number?
- What is difference between Coldplug and Hotplug Devices?
- Which are the 3 most common hard disk interfaces available in modern computers?
- What is the process of removing two lines of text within a file with the help of Vi?
- When you type :q! In the command-mode of Vi, what is the effect generated?
- How the application of Vi can be beneficial over Emacs?
- Which 3 timestamps are maintained by Linux-native filesystem?
- How many number of commands could possibly be piped together at once?
- How to copy the output of an interactive script to a file if lot outputs are produced by the script in response to inputs of user?
- What are the various ways by which you can enter insert mode through Vi’s command-mode?
- Mention the way by which you can exit Vi’s insert mode to type the command-mode commands?
- What is the objective that you can attain with runlevel 4?
- What is the runlevel status you receive when you type the following command-$ runlevel5 3Mention two status.
- Mention the runlevels that are reserved for shutdown, reboot, and single-user mode objectives.
- What do you understand by the statement- The string root (hd 1,5) appears in /grub/boot/menu.lst
- Explain the command that is applied in order to install GRUB Legacy into MBR of first SATA HDD.
- Define the way by which you could recognize an initial RAM disk file within GRUB 2?
- After the completion of the booting process, the hard disk of your system is not responding. What do you consider the reason behind it?
- Where should the BIOS look for a boot loader?
- What is the instance that you deduce out of the following interaction-$ which man/usr/bin/man
- What is the function(s) that only the ‘type’ command can accomplish and not ‘whereis’ command?
- Name the file location command that consumes the maximum amount of time in order to trace out a file located anywhere within a computer system.
- Assume a case where you have successfully installed a commercial spreadsheet program by the name of WonderCalc. Mention the path to the directory where you have the highest probability of finding the executable file of the program.
- Which is the best time for the programs to be configured with set user ID (SUID) root?
- When you see the usrquota and grpquota existing in the / etc/fstab entry for a specific filesystem. Define the consequence resulting from these entries.
- Define the command that can be applied in order to summarize quota information for all filesystems.
- What do you understand by the situation- Typing Is -Id wonderjaye produces a symbolic file mode named drwxr-xr-x?
- The utility of which form of link is executable in a situation where you build a link right from your home directory existing over the hard disk to a directory set over a CD_ROM drive?
- Name the command that you would use under the following circumstances- you have received a tarball termed as data79.tar right from the id of a coworker, but as a precautionary measure would like to verify the file names in it prior to extracting the same.
- Suppose you get a situation, where you type mkdir one/two/three and then get an error message that reads, No such directory or file. What are the ways to surmount this problem?
- Which is the most recommended command to discover and recognize the size of various dot files within a directory and why?
- Mention some of the /etc/fstab entries that can mount /dev/sdb2 in the form of / home directory at the boot time.
- What is the key benefit of preferring journaling filesystem in contrast of non-journaling (conventional) filesystem?
- Mention some of the basic components integrated in Linux +.
- Explain the role of symbolic links in Linux + OS.
- What do you understand by the term daemons?
- Briefly explain different modes that one can implement at the time of Vi editor usage.
- Define the contents that you can find in /usr/local.
- How would you like to throw some light over the case-sensitivity issues in Linux + operating systems?
- What is the best approach of executing more than one program or command via a single command line entry?
- What do you understand by the term ‘hard links’ in CompTIA Linux +?
- Elaborate the checking process for the Rootkit infections in Linux +.
- Define the process of setting-up password aging in Linux +.
- Explain the process of remotely login with SSH in detail.
- What do you interpret by the term ‘swap space’ in Linux +?
- Explain the process by which you can run Linux + program in the background simultaneously starting the Linux server.
- What does a nameless directory denotes in Linux +?
- What do you understand by the term ‘BASH’?
- How would you differentiate BASH from DOS?
- What do you understand by the term crontab and define its functionality and format?
- What do you understand by Network Bonding? Also elaborate the different kinds of network bonding.
- Suppose you are getting an error “filesystem is full”, but on contrary, there is enough space present while verifying through the “df” command. What is the problem and how could you rectify the same?
- What are the steps to find out the quantity of memory usage by Linux +?
- Elaborate the system calls that are meant for process management.
- How is it possible for multiple machines to share a single connection of Internet in Linux +?
- What do you understand by the term ‘Command Grouping’?
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I am here to share my knowledge and experience in the field of networking with the goal being – “The more you share, the more you learn.”
I am a biotechnologist by qualification and a Network Enthusiast by interest. I developed interest in networking being in the company of a passionate Network Professional, my husband.
I am a strong believer of the fact that “learning is a constant process of discovering yourself.”
– Rashmi Bhardwaj (Author/Editor)