White Box Testing vs Black Box Testing: A Detailed Analysis

Rashmi Bhardwaj | Blog,Config & Troubleshoot
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In any form of software driven configuration, system or process, the segment of ‘testing’ plays an indispensable role. It is on the grounds of software testing that we can reach onto the inference of the loopholes, the efficiency and the scope of the software.

The basic testing is categorized into:

  • Black Box testing
  • White Box testing

Though both the forms of testing are used over the internal structure design and implementation, there are distinctions between the two. When we try to make a distinction between white box testing vs black box testing, then it can simply be started right from defining both the forms of testing.

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In the case of black box testing, the tester does not have details about the internal working pattern of the software system. The testing emphasizes on the behaviour of the software and it can be applied onto every level of the software including unit, integration, the system as well as the acceptance.WHITEBOX VS BLACKBOX

Meanwhile, white box testing denotes the form of testing where the tester is familiar with the working pattern of the system, it generally cover code statements, paths, branches and conditions. It is also termed as code base, transparent box, glass box and clear box testing.

 White Box Testing vs Black Box Testing: Distinctive FeaturesWHITEBOX VS BLACKBOX TABLE


From the table displayed above containing a wide range of parameters, it is easy to bifurcate the components that draws a clear picture of distinction between the two testing methods. While drawing the comparison between white box testing vs black box testing, it is pretty evident that the White box testing requires more advanced skills and techniques and renders in-depth analysis. There have been testing type examples provided in the table to help you classify the test more easily the next time you perform it. Both the forms of tests have their advantages but also carry fair share of disadvantages as well. Hence, it is advised to observe them and act accordingly.

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