FTP vs HTTP – File Transfer Protocol and Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

Rashmi Bhardwaj | Blog,Protocol
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HTTP  (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) are both network protocols for file transfer and we have already discussed them in detail in our last blogs.

Here in this blog, we are going to understand the difference between the two i.e. FTP vs HTTP.

HTTP and FTP, both use TCP Protocol for communication.

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Comparison Table: FTP vs HTTP

Below table explains FTP and HTTP protocol difference and their applicability in real world –




Full FormFile Transfer ProtocolHyper Text Transfer Protocol
Port NumberTCP port no 20 and 21TCP port no 80 and 8080
RFCRFC959, RFC765, RFC1738RFC2616, RFC7230 and RFC7231
PhilosophyUsed to transfer files from remote computer after connection is establishedUsed to transfer web pages from remote server after internet connection is established.
Communication2-way communication system where upload and download of files from client to server can occur.1-way communication system where content including pictures and texts can be transferred from server to client.
Speed of downloadFTP is slower than HTTPHTTP is faster than FTP when downloading one big file. HTTP can use parallel chunk download which makes it 6x times faster than FTP
ApplicabilityUsed to access and transfer files.HTTP is used to view websites.
ClientFTP can be accessed via the command line or a GUIThe common HTTP client is the browser
UsageUsed by fewer peopleMost widely used
AuthenticationRequires username and password for authenticationDoes not requires username and password for authentication
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Download the comparison table: FTP vs HTTP

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